BEDE DURBIDGE by Ted Grambeau




In a time before drones became ubiquitous hovering above surf spots, photographers with more artistic vision than business sense would hire helicopters for vast sums to capture unique surfing images. Ted Grambeau was one such photographer who was always ready to whack out the credit card for some airtime during a classic swell. His investment paid off with this extraordinary image of former top five surfer and elite coach Bede Durbidge, setting up what promises to be a screaming Kirra tube ride. With his hand grabbing the wave face to slow down, the lip line feathering ahead and water draining off the bank, it is a fair bet that Bede spent the next few seconds after this shot locked in the Kirra vortex chasing the almond eye of light at the end of a jade green tunnel.

Ted is widely regarded as one of the world’s most widely travelled and technically complete photographers, with a thirst for adventure and an eye for the unique moment. To synchronise with a wave and a surfer while hanging out the door of a chopper with a few thousand bucks worth of camera equipment is a rare skill indeed.

From This Spot: Watch The Video

Bede at Kirra – perhaps not the same wave, but definitely the same stylish surfer at the same world class break.

Footage: Simon ‘Shagga’ Saffigna

From This Spot: Watch The Video

During a good Kirra swell, on any given day there’s a million memories being made and minds blown. Dimity Stoyle etching a few memories of her own, footage by Simon ‘Shagga’ Saffigna.


With his hand grabbing the wave face to slow down, the lip line feathering ahead and water draining off the bank, it is a fair bet that Bede spent the next few seconds after this shot locked in the Kirra vortex chasing the almond eye of light at the end of a jade green tunnel.