Josh Bystrom

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Josh Bystrom Photographer

Born and bred in Currumbin on the Gold Coast, for Josh a career in photography was kind of inevitable. “Both of my parents influenced me. My dad, Chris, made surf films for 20 years and mum is a high school photography teacher, so we kind of always had cameras laying around the house,” Josh said.

Josh was also inspired by photographers like Peter ‘Joli’ Wilson, Ted Grambeau and Brian Bielmann. “They all have such a vast portfolio of great images spanning across decades.” Josh also credits old shots of Kelly and Andy surfing good barrelling waves as getting him stoked on surfing. “I’d have posters of them up on my wall from surf mags I’d bought and looking at them would always make me want to get wet. I also love great old shots of guys like Michael Peterson surfing waves like Kirra and Burleigh which have completely changed nowadays.”

“I still surf a fair bit around home but generally when its smaller, when it gets good I’ve gotta be shooting.”