Inviting all film, photo and media creatives to a special launch edition of Flotsam’s Media Makers Forum at Rydges Airport Hotel.

Author and former magazine Editor Tim Baker will lead panel conversations with leading media figures from the youth, travel and surf realms to discuss topics including new media, how to make a living as a media freelancer, and the future of print, film and broadcast content.

The Forum will also host a maker’s showcase to discover books and magazines from independent publishers.

Join us for this launch edition FREE event for creatives to explore trends and tackle topics including new media, the precarious world of print, and how to make a living as a modern day media maker.


Panel Topics will include:


Is Surf Washed Up?

Surf media once meant surf magazines, but with print in decline what is surf media? A panel dissects the current landscape of surf forecasting sites, vloggers, you tube stars and Instagram influencers, and the few print mags still hanging on by the skin of their teeth.

New Media Order – Representation & Diversity

Shifts in the media world have seen old cultural megaphones topple, inadvertently creating opportunities for other voices to be heard. A toe dip into the deep topic of gender diversity in media, and how the dismantling of traditional media is creating both opportunities and challenges.

Freelancers Guide To The Galaxy

With traditional ways for photographers and filmmakers to make a crust shifting reliance from mags and films to incorporate social and new media, we explore challenges for freelancers, dig for insights from success stories, and look at emerging trends across the media-verse.

By The Book

A chat with writers and authors on the craft of putting together books, photo books and zines in the age of digital, including where to start and what’s involved.


There will also be a maker’s showcase with creatives from the magazine, film, and book realms.

Tickets are free, but seats are limited – grab your tickets to join us for this special edition event for creatives to explore trends and tackle topics including new media, the precarious world of print, and how to make a living as a modern day media maker.

Flotsam Festival Media Makers Forum is an initiative of Flotsam Arts Inc and presented in conjunction with Storyfest and Rydges Airport Hotel Gold Coast.

Venue Info: Rydges Gold Coast Airport. Gold Coast’s first and only airport hotel is located metres from the Airport terminal.  While the Media Forum will take place downstairs in the conference and event space, Rydges has facilities onsite to make it a day – catering for working lunches or take a break and dine on the rooftop at The Salty Fox. For overnight stays, this “all in one destination” is only 5 minutes from the beach for the early morning walk, or surf before flying out.





Flotsam Media Makers Forum
Tim Baker

Tim Baker

Tim Baker is an award-winning author, journalist and storyteller specializing in surfing history and culture, working across a wide variety of media from books and magazines to film, video, and theatre.

See profile

Flotsam Media Makers Forum


# Fri, May 5 2:00 pm — 6:00 pm


# Rydges Hotel

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